Peter McCue
Dan Tucker - Barney Owens X Nora M (TB)
- Voltigeur
1895 - 1923
Considered to be one of the truly foundation
sires of the American Quarter Horse, Peter McCue was by Dan Tucker & out of Nora M. Known for his blazing
speed, he reportedly ran a quarter in 21 flat,- a time that wasn't matched for decades to come. His popularity was assured when he passed his talent for
speed on to his get.
[It should be noted that, with false information, he was registered
as a TB for racing opportunities. He reportedly sired 20 'TBs' listed in the American Stud Book.]
Peter McCue was the genesis of many a Quarter
Horse line. He was the sire of Harmon Baker, Badger, Hickory Bill, Chief, Shiek, great grandsire of Wimpy P-1, etc. He
was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame in 1991.

A.D. Reed
Peter McCue - Dan Tucker X Good
Enough -Ned Hanger
1916 - 1935
Bred by A.D. Hurley of Oklahoma. Many of A.D.
Reed's producing daughters went on to influence the newly formed AQHA.

Billy The Tough
A.D. Reed - Peter McCue X Betsy
- Peter McCue
Inbred 2X2 to Peter McCue. Gelded as a four year old, Billy The Tough sired but
a handful of foals.
[Please note, this was in the days prior to AQHA & this Billy The Tough wasn't
registered. Another horse named Billy the Tough was. He was a "57 colt by Wimpy Jr. That Billy was also
heavily Peter McCue bred.]

Badger - Peter McCue X Nellie Trammel
- Pid Hart
1916 -1936
Midnight so dominated the match racing circles of his time that, eventually,
no one would run against him!

Midnight Jr
Midnight - Peter McCue X Salty
- Billy The Tough
1937; AQHA - 210
Midnight Jr was a race ROM runner and sired
multiple race & show ROM earning offspring. Again, most importantly, he passed these traits on to foals who in turn
would later pass them on, too.
The distaff

Grey Badger II
Midnight Jr - Midnight X Grey
Annie - Billy The Tough
1941 - 1972; AQHA - 2006
Notice the multiple crosses to Peter McCue? Grey
Badger II was inbred Billy The Tough 3X2 and linebred Peter McCue 4X5X5X6X4X4X4. He also had 21 crosses to Steel Dust
as well as 16 crosses to Glencoe and 10 crosses each to Barney Owens, Shiloh & Ram Cat.
Grey Badge II, SI- 85, was a race ROM. His
foals went on to earn race & show ROMs, an AQHA Championship & Honor Roll Titles. He is a noted broodmare sire.
['X' factor?]

Old Sorrel
Hickory Bill - Peter McCue X Dr. Rose
1915 - 1945
Bred by George Clegg, The Sorrel [later known
as 'Old' Sorrel] was purchased by Caesar Kleberg for the King Ranch breeding operation. Another Steel Dust horse, Old
Sorrel proved to be an outstanding sire to the benefit of both the King Ranch and the future AQHA.

Solis - Old Sorrel X Panda - Old
1937 -1959; AQHA - P-1
Awarded the first entry in the then newly formed AQHA registry, King Ranch's
Wimpy was 4X4X4 Peter McCue by way of Hickory Bill. He sired AQHA Champions, High Point earners, Superiors &